Nasi podopieczni ...

Stowarzyszenie Beagle w Potrzebie. Los pokrzywdzonych zwierząt nie jest nam obojętny, jesteśmy po to, aby pomagać.

Jaga to pięcioletnia sunia odebrana z pseudo hodowli.... Spokojna, łagodna, może zamieszkać z dziećmi...

Spragniony kontaktu z człowiekiem, spokojny, stateczny, pies w sile wieku...

Spokojna, trochę nieśmiała, musi człowieka lepiej poznać, aby nabrać zaufania...

Ozzy ma siedem lat, został zabrany razem z sześciorgiem swoich braci i sióstr, z miejsca, gdzie skazane były na nędzną egzystencję w błocie, zimnie, na deszczu, mrozie i palącym słońcu. ....

The Association started its official activity on 15.02.2013, it was entered into the National Court Register under the number 0000451372.
However, we, the members of the Association, conducted our activity for the needy Beagle dogs a long time before. These activities were informal, individual, but conducted with heart and passion, focused around the forum. Because it was this forum that gave rise to the activities of the Association and continues to be a place for meetings, discussions and decisions aimed at helping Latin people.
Why a forum? Members of the Association are people from all over Poland who are studying or working professionally - however, they decided to devote their free time to helping the beagles.
When the Association was founded, we had a lot of experience and thanks to establishing new contacts with animal shelters, clinics and veterinarians, Behaviourists and people involved in dog training and animal hotels, our activities gained momentum, we act dynamically and we make every effort to make our actions effective. We do not take unnecessary risks, our actions are well thought out and worked out in every detail, we leave nothing to chance.
In September 2015, we were granted the status of a Public Benefit Organization.
The number of dogs under our care is constantly changing - some dogs go to their new homes, others go under our wings - there are always a dozen or so of them. Dogs of different ages, often older and sick, which we want to provide the best care and treatment, come to us. Due to the limited number of places in Temporary Homes, many of our dogs stay in Animal Houses.
We try to provide our guests with everything they need, we make sure that they leave their homes after castration and sterilization procedures, as well as equipped with electronic badges. We cooperate with reputable  Veterinary Clinics and the best specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, so that our patients are provided with veterinary care at the highest level. We also take adoption very seriously, we try to find our dogs responsible, aware of the needs of the breed, caring and loving homes, so that they have the right conditions and are simply happy.
The costs of hotel accommodation, veterinary care, treatment, treatments are huge, that's why every penny that our donors want to donate to our guests counts for us, and we enjoy every penny just as much!
If someone wants to support us with their donation, we will be very grateful, we are a non-profit organization, and this means that we act on a voluntary basis, for our work for the benefit of needy Beagles we do not receive remuneration. We can only help thanks to the generosity of people who are not indifferent to the fate of injured animals. As our business grows, so too, the support of our donors is of great importance to us, mobilizes us for even greater efforts and gives us a lot of positive energy.
Working in the Association, although sometimes very difficult, gives us great satisfaction. Every dog we manage to help, whom we see happy at the side of our man, enjoys us incredibly, is a kind of reward for our work, which gives a deep conviction that our efforts make sense. Do not forget about us. This is very important to us.
Only thanks to you we are able to help!
Thank you!